Service Ministries with First Church of Glen Ellyn
Our most powerful witness to God's presence in our lives is how we serve others. FUMC offers a wide variety of service opportunities for all ages, interests, and ability levels. From food drives to gardening to chaperoning trips, there are countless ways you can serve the church, your community, and your neighbors. All you need is the desire and heart, and we'll help you find the service opportunity.
Volunteer at First Church
There are many ways to support the church with your gifts and talents! Participate in worship by being a greeter or usher, reading scripture, singing in the Chancel Choir, or serving Communion. Feed into the lives of our youth as a Sunday School teacher, Sensory Sunday School buddy, Children's Church aide, working in the nursery, or volunteering for VBS in the summer. Support fellowship by setting up First Cup Café or other church events. Put your organizational skills to work by volunteering in the church office. Participate in one of the many committees and groups that make First Church an exceptional place. Whatever your interests, there is an opportunity for you!

God's Garden

God's Garden was founded a decade ago on the property of the former St. Thomas Church in Glen Ellyn and transitioned to a plot at the Community Garden on Lambert Road in Glen Ellyn. A bountiful harvest each year includes tomatoes, lettuce, pumpkins, eggplant, tomatillos, and green beans. The produce grown is sold on Sunday mornings, then proceeds and any unsold produce is donated to the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry.
A large plot like ours requires many people to help! Volunteers are needed to set up the garden, water, weed, harvest, and sell produce. Enjoy some sunshine and feed the community with God's Garden.
Walk-in Ministry
The Glen Ellyn Walk-in Ministry is an ecumenical partnership of 15 congregations whose purpose is to assist Glen Ellyn residents, members of the congregations of any Glen Ellyn church or faith organization, or DuPage PADS clients with a referral who are in financial crisis.
Operating from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., Monday through Thursday, the Glen Ellyn Walk-in Ministry was begun by a pastor from First Church in 1994 and has faithfully been serving the village since. First Church continues to participate in this ministry by being the host site, as well as supporting it financially, in prayer, and with volunteers. Please contact the church office at 630-469-3510 for further information.

Community Service

We are proud members of our community, and we believe it is important to devote our time as good neighbors. That's why, throughout the year, we volunteer at area organizations such as Feed My Starving Children and Northern Illinois Food Bank. We conduct a toy drive for and volunteer at Kids Above All. We participate in Crop Walk. We host the Community Rummage Sale to come together as a community for our community.​
Jesus said "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." We don't believe there is a "least of." We believe it is our honor and privilege to lift up those who are in a season of needing a hand. We invite you to join us.