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People gathered together holding hands and praying.

Share Your Prayer Request With Us.

A group gathered together, laying on of hands and praying.


In Matthew 18:20, God tells us "for where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there among them."


Whether you are a member of our congregation or not, we would be honored to hold you in prayer. Whatever your prayer request is, no matter how big or small, you are not alone. While we ask for your contact information so we can support you, your request may be marked confidential if you wish. In that case, your prayer will go to the Prayer Chain and the Pastor. If you wish to have your prayer request added to our public church prayer list, you may mark that button. Our prayer list is published twice a week in our eNotes online newsletter and included in the pastoral prayer during Sunday morning worship.

How may we pray for you?

How would you like us to treat your prayer request?

You are in our prayers.

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